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Current Totals: 12498 plays, 5653 writers, 356 monologues

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More about Smoke:


Laurence  Klavan

Al Kamen is a man who seems to have life going his way. In a series of fast-paced, comic scenes we see that Al's wife, friends, and employer all think very highly of him, and that he, in turn, has strong, secure relationships with those around him. However, one day Al decides to quit smoking, and that's when everything starts to fall apart for our hero. All of a sudden honesty becomes the name of the game; and in a series of encounters with his wife and friends, we see what Al, and those who surround him, actually think of each other. Pretty soon all of the harsh truths become too much for Al to bear, and he begins smoking again, yearning for the life that he used to lead. As the play ends the stage in engulfed in smoke, with both Al and the audience strangely unsure of what his future will hold for him.

Play Details:
Genre(s): Comedy
Time Period(s): Not Available
Play Type: Play
Runtime: Not Available
Acts: Not Available
Set Complexity: Not Available
Set Information: Not Available
Year First Published: Not Available
Total Characters: 7
Male Characters: 6
Female Characters: 1
Androgynous Characters:Not Available
Minimum Cast: Not Available
Maximum Cast: Not Available
Cost: FEE: $25 per performance when produced individually. $40 when produced in tandem with SLEEPING BEAUTY
Royalty/cost information prone to change.
Please check with the publisher for the most accurate information.
Publisher: Dramatists Play Service
Click on the publisher's name above for additional information, including updated prices.
ISBN: Not Available

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